Thursday, May 16, 2019

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Product details

File Size: 1613 KB

Print Length: 124 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1523861967

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 27, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#607,231 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book was amazing! It is heavy on the research and treatment aspects of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Really good at explaining the topic. It contained proven strategies and steps on how to use medicinal, natural remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes to heal small intestinal bacteria overgrowth and restore your gut health. It made me understand about its background, potential causes, complications, and symptoms of the condition. I got to learn the natural herbs treatment along with its dietary treatment. The author suggested that the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is the most effective against SIBO. Also laid out facts to support that. There are many diets included in the book such as Paleo diet, GAPS diet or Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, and FODMAP diet. Step-by-step instruction has been provided. I also found out that SIBO has connections with many other ailments. I appreciate that there are reasons behind why people love sugary products. It made me understand. There are also some tricks and tips for reducing sugar cravings and sugar substitutes.I am impressed that the book is well-researched and complete. Whether you decide to follow or not the suggestions and medications outlined in the book, this book is useful for SIBO patients to at least read through.

Health is such a broad topic with so much to learn and try. I really appreciated Healthy Habits because it went over some tips for keeping yourself healthy that are outside the box of specific diet tips or exercise plans. The book covers a lot of information of different deceases such as in your Gut Health, Sugar Addiction, and IBS which I thought was really insightful. I know I need to make a bigger effort to adopt a healthier lifestyle and this book has given me a lot of ideas on changes to make and things to start doing. Reading this book, you realize that you can start improving your lifestyle as of this moment, there's no reason to wait. It was a good wake-up call for me.

I got interested in this topic after I watch a video on a site where they discussed about gut. My idea about this topic is very limited so I tried purchasing this book. What I like this book is, it contains proven step by step strategies on how to use medical, natural remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes to cure your gut's health and help heal small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. This book is informative.It is good for someone who is curious on how to heal gut's health. And also for people who wants to have a deeper understanding about gut.

Apparently. this book is well-researched. The discussion about the predominantly microbial-related gut disorders like SIBO and IBS is very comprehensive. It has a scientific basis. The clinical treatment of such disorders which includes antibiotics is discussed in this book. Other forms of treatment like herbal and alternative are also presented in this book. In my case, I am more interested in the precautionary measures that could lessen the chances of having such gut disorders. As much as I want to create a healthy lifestyle, this book is excellent in improving gut health through proper diet and awareness of such disorders.

This book is all about how to combat small intestinal bacterial growth. It explicitly explains this disorder and its causes. The types of medication to fight such disorder are presented in this book. There are also certain types of diet that are effective in combating this disorder. All of these have a scientific basis that can be regarded as proven steps or strategies that will help greatly in healing this disease. I consider this book as a precautionary measure. Even if we are not suffering from such disease, this book can offer us substantial measures and strategies to have a healthy gut.

A book that contains proven steps and strategies on how to use medicinal, natural remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes to heal small intestinal bacteria overgrowth and restore your gut health. Also well explained possible solution to this abnormality, which may lead to several diseases that turn chronic.I never knew these disease until someone told me about it and told me where and how to get it. Then start reading about it, to be more aware and how to prevent it as well. Now i share the knowledge i have learn on this book to my family and friends.

This book has allowed me to have an initial checkup on myself. The contents of the book provided me a lot of insights and guidelines on how to live healthier. Among the forms of diets that this book provided, I would love to try GAPS which I think is very suitable for me who loves soups and vegetables. I also love the fact that it involves mental health. I would only suggest for a briefer and simpler explanations on certain health issues for the readers to understand the information more easily.

When I saw this book, I am very curious about this as I am not fully aware of this kind of internal bacteria that affects our small intestine. Through this book, I was able to understand and learn the small intestinal bacteria overgrowth that I wasn’t aware of before. I was able to learn the causes, symptoms and complications of this condition. And of course, I am happy to learn the natural remedies, diet and lifestyle changes on how to heal this. I am always and would always go for the natural remedies.





Saturday, May 11, 2019

Download Ebook Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

Download Ebook Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

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Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

Download Ebook Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

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Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt

Product details

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: Shoemaker & Hoard; 59404th edition (May 24, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1593761031

ISBN-13: 978-1593761035

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 0.7 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

32 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#276,488 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

What a splendid book to use while visiting Paris! It will entertain you, give you a Paris which is long gone and yet you can be there using your imagination and the reality left behind. Some sadness will be inevitable for the Paris you will discover with your imagination unfortunately no longer exists ... but you will see it never the less. And, perhaps the best part of your visit, with the help of this book, is the fact that it will take you places away from the usual tourist destinations and into a far more interesting and exciting Paris of the early 19th century.Great book ... if you love Paris of 21st century but you know that the old Paris is still there to be imagined and revisited.

As I wrote in my review of the seller (should have waited to put it here) the book is definitely worth having. At first, because of my glaucoma, I was intimidated by the small format and wished it had been a coffee table book -- but then it would be hard to travel with. Here's my conclusion: if it's good enough that I'm willing to sit with a magnifying glass to read it -- every page of it -- then it's a very good book. Mind you, this is not Bible-sized print -- it's just smaller because it's in a paperback version, so if you don't have vision problems, you won't have the problem I had. Having been a collector on various levels over the years, I have much appreciation for Mr. Pitt's tenacity in acquiring the photos and maps needed to reconstruct ancient neighborhoods for the reader. How I wish I had had this book during the years that I was traveling to Paris! Unfortunately, as I am writing this, I have left both the book and my reading glasses on the ranch and I am in Dallas, so I can't point out specific things I'd like to share, but the book abounds with stories I've never heard before such as the first coffee shop in Paris -- now four or five hundred years old -- and I am under the impression that it is still there. How I'd love to go now! There is the less happy information about Dr. Guillotine's test sheep, stories of star-crossed lovers, etc. There are comparison photos on every page; that is, the neighborhood as it was and the neighborhood as it is today. The more I read in this book, the more I wanted to read. That's the way a book should be. It is painful to see the architecture that was destroyed (some of it needlessly it seems) but at least through this book it has been memorialized and we have a chance to get a glimpse of the Old Paris. So, thank you, Mr. Pitt! Incidentally, I found this book when I read "The House I Loved", followed by "Sarah's Key", author Tatiana de Rosnay. The former made me hungry for more knowledge of Haussman and his obsession, the latter was a book I couldn't put down and it covered an important and heart-rending historical event that I'd never heard of.

As an avowed Francophile, I travel to Paris as often as I can. I own maybe 15 "walking tour" books, but this is by far my favorite.Pitt peppers his narrative with bits of history, architectural explanations -- and even the occasional cultural observation. As a result, his walks provide a deep understanding of the people and events that shaped Paris into the city it is today.And the photos: I can only imagine the countless hours of research that went into comparing the historical documents with the modern street views. The result is an extraordinary record of the city's transformation, unlike any other I've seen.If you want to move beyond the monuments and experience the true heart of historic Paris, I highly recommend this book. To me, it's a masterpiece.

By our third trip to Paris we had already seen all the usual tourist sights and wanted something new. This book provided it. After following the walking tours in this book we saw parts of Paris we probably would never have seen otherwise, learned a lot more about the history of the city, and developed a much better understanding of how the city has evolved and why different parts of it look as they do. I would especially recommend this book for people who have already visited Paris at least once. However, it could also be used by someone who will be visiting the city for the first time, if they will be spending more than a few days. Sure, go see the usual sights first, but then use this book to really understand what you're seeing. Following just one of the tours in this book (there are four) will give the reader a much deeper appreciation for this most unusual and exciting city.While most directions are easy to follow, and overview maps are provided (although not all streets are shown or marked), we still found a few places where we got confused. Fortunately, we had a good Paris map with us, so it wasn't a problem. Therefore, the only thing I would suggest is that the reader be sure to have a good map of the city in addition to this book.

This is a great little book to have. Author Leonard Pitt has done some deep digging into the stories of four (plus or minus) wonderful Parisian neighborhoods that are at the city's historic heart- West Bank/St.Germain des Pres; Ile de la Cite; St.Germain to Palais Royal and the Marais. Using photos (contemporary and very old) postcards and drawings to illustrate how specific locations have changed, evolved or kept their original characteristics, Pitt provides some little known information that makes some favorite spots a lot more interesting, even for regular visitors to the city.There were some major surprises in this book, as a lot of familiar parts of Paris have changed drastically over the years. From the modern perspective, the more open vistas that more or less started with the Haussmann makeover, make the city the marvelous walking tour that it is, but clearly a lot of urban character has been lost as the evolution has taken place.The book is organized as a menu of walking ours with 192 pages of excellent text and many illustrations.

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Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt Kindle

Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt PDF

Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt PDF

Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt PDF
Walks Through Lost Paris: A Journey Into the Heart of Historic Paris, by Leonard Pitt PDF

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

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Free Ebook Radioactive Waste Management

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Radioactive Waste Management

Radioactive Waste Management

Radioactive Waste Management

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Radioactive Waste Management

Product details

Hardcover: 460 pages

Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1 edition (January 1, 1990)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0891166661

ISBN-13: 978-0891166665

Product Dimensions:

6.8 x 1.2 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,213,878 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Radioactive Waste Management PDF