Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Download , by Hazel Hunter

Free Download , by Hazel Hunter

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, by Hazel Hunter

, by Hazel Hunter

, by Hazel Hunter

Free Download , by Hazel Hunter

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, by Hazel Hunter

Product details

File Size: 2137 KB

Print Length: 366 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1976460786

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: October 3, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#8,570 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Title: TharaenSeries: Immortal HighlanderAuthor: Hazel HunterDesignation: Book Two of Series, Full-Length Standalone, No Cliffhanger, Medieval Historical/Time Travel/Fantasy RomanceReading Platform: Kindle EditionMy Rating: Five Sexy Riveting Stars*******Disclaimer: Although there is an underlying interconnected storyline running throughout the series, each release focuses primarily on one couple finding love and their happy ending. I believe each of the books can still be read as standalones. The author does a fabulous job of giving the reader sufficient backstory, but I recommend reading the books in order of their release. It's one decision I'm sure you'll rever regret.Oh my! I loved, loved, loved this book! I'm fascinated by stories featuring mythology, folklore, and fantasy, adore Time Travel Romance, infatuated with Medieval Historical Fiction, addicted to steamy romance, obsessed with strong, sassy heroines, completely smitten with sexy Scottish Highlanders from any century, and when I can find it all in one great read, I'm in heaven! And that's exactly what Hazel Hunter delivered in Tharaen, the second riveting release in her new Immortal Highlander Series! There are so many things I truly enjoyed about this book so let's talk details!Tharaen is a captivating, imaginative, fast-paced, exceptionally well-crafted and edited, full-length standalone historical medieval time travel romance with paranormal, supernatural, and fantasy elements, and filled to the brim with compelling drama, pulse-pounding danger, edge-of-your-seat action, daring adventure, nail-biting suspense, heart-wrenching angst, steamy passion, and heartwarming romance. The narrative is beautifully written in the third person with multiple perspectives and this story had quite a few. In some instances, multiple points of view can be somewhat confusing to the reader if they aren't skillfully written, but Hunter does an excellent job. All the perspectives are clearly discernible by individual chapters. I always enjoy stories written with clearly defined multiple perspectives. It allows me to know the thoughts of all the primary characters, not just the protagonists, and I especially love it when we know what's going on in the convoluted minds of the bad guys. I think it adds so much more depth to the story. The dialogue is smart, snappy, and flows effortlessly. Hunter obviously did her research because I found the language and terminology for the era to be authentic, articulate, and exceptionally well executed. In other words, Hunter's fourteenth-century characters spoke like fourteenth-century Scottish Highlanders. In reality, none of us would actually be able to understand a fourteenth-century Highlander, but Hunter did make them sound as realistic as possible, which definitely added to my enjoyment of this story. But without a doubt, my favorite element of every book is the characters, and this story is no exception. Hunter gives us a large cast of intriguing, engaging, and well-developed characters who literally explode from the pages, grab your imagination, demand your undivided attention, and completely capture your heart. I fell head over heels for the two protagonists, present-day San Diego Police Department Lieutenant Diana Burke and fourteenth-century Scottish Highlander Tharaen Aber. OMG! I loved these two characters! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all the characters but Diana grabbed me in the very first chapter and I became completely smitten( with huge, hunkalicious, highlander Tharaen Aber aka Raen when he was introduced in the first book of the series. Diana Burke is a tough-as-nails, six-foot female cop assigned to the missing person unit of the San Diego Police Department. Diana was abandoned at a police station as a child by her drug-addicted, prostitute mother and placed in a foster home where she was the victim of abuse and neglect. Fortunately, a San Diego police officer took an interest in her case and became her mentor, inspiring her to also choose a career in law enforcement. Diana is such a dedicated, determined, and realistic character with whom I connected on a very personal level. She's also a strong, independent woman with remarkable empathy and strength of character who fights for every breath and never accepts defeat. Diana's resolve to find missing person Captain Kinley Chandler, the heroine from the first book of the series, is only one example of her incredible tenacity, one which leads her to the surprising discovery of having much more in common with the missing Air Force captain than she ever could have imagined and, ultimately, to the same fate. Immortal Highlander Tharaen Aber was introduced in the first book of the series as friend and bodyguard to Lachlan McDonnel, Laird of Clan McDonnel of the Island of Skye, but in Book 2 we find Raen has now become seneschal(steward) of Clan McDonnel. Diana and Raen are perfect together and complement each other brilliantly! The interaction between these two remarkable characters is absolutely captivating, their attraction undeniable, and their fate inescapable. When these two meet, sparks fly and passion explodes, and I do mean quite literally! I snorted, snickered, sniffled, and sobbed through the entire story but by the end, I was happy, satisfied, and well entertained! Well done, Hazel Hunter! Well done, indeed!Did I like this book? No, I loved it! I was glued to my seat, white knuckling my ereader, completely captivated with my heart fluttering wildly in my chest as the time flew as quickly as the pages! I could not stop reading! I'm totally smitten with this entire series and can hardly wait to see what Hunter has in store for her readers in Book 3! Would I recommend it? You bet and I a but only for adult readers since it does contain several explicit love scenes! If you enjoy well-written medieval historical tales with supernatural elements, and liberally seasoned with time travel, action adventure, danger, drama, passion, and romance, then this book is screaming your name! And if you loved the movie and series Highlander, this story will, most likely, tickle your fancy! Will I read this author again? Absolutely! And finally, was I entertained? Completely! Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read!Lieutenant Diana Burke has never believed in magic - until now. Either she's experiencing the most realistic dream in history, or magic truly does exist. After a return trip to the crime scene at Horsethief Canyon from which Air Force Captain Kinley Chandler disappeared twelve months earlier, Diana is mysteriously transported 800 years back in time to the fourteenth century. Shortly after her arrival, she discovers the critically injured Chandler is not only alive but also completely healed and happily married to Lachlan McDonnel, Laird of Clan McDonnel, a group of immortal Highlanders who have been fighting a legion of cursed undead Roman soldiers for the past 1200 years. And yes, they're vampires! Oh my! Although Diana's common sense tells her magic doesn't exist, there's no other logical explanation. The rational course of action would be to wake up from her very vivid dream, or accept the situation, rescue Captain Chandler, and somehow find a way back to her own time. But courageous, strong-willed Diana Burke has never been afraid or unwilling to face a challenge. Diana quickly realizes she wants to stay and learn more of the fascinating new world in which she now finds herself, especially if it means spending time with Tharaen Aber, a handsome, muscled immortal Highlander and one of few men she's ever met who towers well above her six-foot frame. Diana is intrigued by Raen and his glowing facial tatts, and soon finds herself enamored with the brave warrior. Apparently, the attraction is mutual. Why else would the glowing glyphs jump from Raen's skin to hers after only a mere touch? Why, indeed? Diana has always possessed the inexplicable ability to find missing objects and sometimes people, but there are those who resent her Druid ancestry and the power she may possess, and determined for Diana to return to her own time, regardless of the means or consequences. What does fate have in store for our lovely red-haired, violet-eyed time traveler? Will Diana become another casualty of the ongoing war with the undead, or will she be forced to accept the fate awaiting her in the future? Or could she finally find acceptance, happiness, and everlasting love in the arms of a fourteenth-century Immortal Highlander? We'll see!

The scene setting and basic story were fine. The Immortals were brave and kind and tactful. The main woman character, however, was a disrespectful, aggressive, discourteous, interfering know-it-all. Truly annoying. I felt sorry for Tharaen, who would have to live with her and her self-centeredness forever.

Review by Christine StokesPhenomenal writing by Ms Hunter who brought to life an awesomeTime Travel romance/suspense in Medieval Scotland.What a bittersweet ending in this two part story.The story continues with Diana Burke, a Lieutenant of the San Diego Police Department whospecializes in locating missing person. Her mission was to investigate the disappearance ofKinley Chandler whom you remember on Lachlan. Her investigation brought her to the last placeKinley was in Horseshoe Canyon. Diana sensed that Kinley is still alive, she approached a spot on the Canyon,touched it and ended up in Medieval Scotland.Tharaen Aber is a bodyguard who found Diana lurking around Dun Aran Castle. He wandered what she was hoping toaccomplish. Tharaen cannot deny the attraction he felt for Diana. She assists everyone who is in need but the druidswants her gone.The sexual chemistry between Tharaen and Diana are so intense and hot.Will Diana find Kinley? Will Tharaen be able to convince the people to let Diana stay?Will they have their own HEA?This book was very hard to put down so I highly recommend my friends to read both stories.I look forward to more books from Ms Hunter.I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader's Copy of this book.

Really enjoyed the heroine in this story. Diana truly was honest, straightforward and a strong character. I liked that she didn't beat about the bush in her words or actions. Her insecurities didn't rule her and there was no drawn out emotional angst thankfully. A truly refreshing female lead.There were some pages I skimmed as the dialogue or story didn't offer anything useful to the scene, characters or story. Or they were a repeat of something I knew of a character or the story from a previous book. There were some rather slow scenes, and sudden jumps from inaction to action. A seamless build-up while still holding the tension in the story is required in the last chapter.Overall it was ok. I'm giving it a 4 star for the characters rather than the story plot itself in this instance.

After reading several of Hazel Hunters novels, I look forward to reading the next of her series. Her characters are worth reading about.The only two comments I have are:1. The symbols each highlander has are unique and interesting, but really creepy when it comes to the intimacy between the two loves. There's a third party in the room, or rather part of the intimacy, and it kinda gives off an air of an orgy. Usually skipped that part. My sensibilities can't seem to handle that part, but enjoy the story, nonetheless.2. Man, am I glad magic isn't part of my daily life.

Raen and Diana's story is the second book in the series. Their story is one of pain, betrayal, unforeseeable sorrow and heartache that they are able to overcome and find forgiveness, love, family and friends at the heart of everything.For Raen their relationship is moving too fast and deep down he fears losing Diana. Diana, however as no such hangups and feels a deep connection to Raen that she is willing and doing everything in her power to explore with him. But they are weary because there are others who are not looking forward to a relationship blooming between them and wishes to get rid of Diana.

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