Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Free PDF , by Sarah Weinman

Free PDF , by Sarah Weinman

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, by Sarah Weinman

, by Sarah Weinman

, by Sarah Weinman

Free PDF , by Sarah Weinman

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, by Sarah Weinman

Product details

File Size: 3360 KB

Print Length: 322 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0735272735

Publisher: Ecco (September 11, 2018)

Publication Date: September 11, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B076P91Z4D



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#213,574 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Finally. I always wondered why I hated that book and was supposed to be bemused by its take on the sexual mores of blowfish or something. I was gang raped as a child and I never saw the “humor” in this book and after reading this book, it gave me hope that maybe some others aren’t finding the laugh lines either.

The book was more about the author's search for connections between the case and Lolita. There really wasn't much there.

I desperately wanted to enjoy this book. There is barely anything factual about Sally Horner. It should have been titled "The Dreadfully Boring Adventures of Vladimir Nabokov". I am ticked off that I forked out $14 for this, although it may cure my insomnia.

Though interesting, I was surprised at how much of this was the author's musings about Nabokov. He "might have written" "he might have sat in his car..." And only at the end was there anything revelatory about the writer and his wife, Vera. For much of this, I said "so what?" to myself. Though it was very sad and shocking to hear about Sally Horner and what happened to her.

I loved Sarah Weinman's previous collections "Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives" and the two volume set "Women Crime Writers" so I guess I was predisposed to love "The Real Lolita."Nabokov's "Lolita" is one of the previous century's great novels–I rank it right up there with "The Great Gatsby" and Henry Gregor Felsen's "Street Rod" personally–and this new work by Weinman is a delight.I guess that's an odd word to apply to such a horrible story of abuse. But her writing is clear and precise and the story she tells is so compelling. I read the book in two big gulps in one day. (I did find the type in the paperback version to be a little large, so it wasn't such a feat to read it so quickly).This book will find a generous cross section of fans. If you like Nabokov, it's essential. If you are a true crime fan, it's one of the best in that genre as well. The time period, as she explains, is far enough away to view events at a remove, yet recent enough that there's enough material to make the case come alive.In some ways it reminds me of another great book about crime and literature, "Careless People: Murder, Mayhem, and the Invention of The Great Gatsby" by Sarah Churchwell.Now if only someone could give the same treatment to Felsen's "Street Rod" we'd have a perfect trifecta.Based on her two collections of women crime writers and this new book, I'll be sure to pre-order whatever Weinman comes up with next. I think that's about the highest praise I can offer any writer.

I cannot comprehend how this book has five stars, unless the reviews are fake.I heard about this book through an NPR interview with its author, and, as a lover of Nabokov, was excited at the chance to learn more about "Lolita."It turns out the story of Sally Horner is only peripherally related to the story of Lolita, and it gets as much attention as it deserves in the novel. (Sally is mentioned in a parenthetical remark towards the end of the book.)Not only does Weinman do a poor job of relating Sally's story to Lo's, she does a poor job of investigating Sally's case in any meaningful way. The crimes against her were committed 60 years ago, so there is almost no evidence or witnesses left to investigate. Notably, Sally did not leave a diary from which to examine her life. That doesn't stop Weinman from wildly speculating on Sally's thoughts, actions, what she ate for breakfast, what she prayed for, in which parking space her neighbors parked their mobile home--seriously--without any evidence whatsoever. The amount of sentences that begin with "Perhaps" in this book should disqualify from being classified as non-fiction.Speaking of diction, this book is not only completely speculative, but also poorly written and apparently unedited. There are sentence fragments galore, wrongly-conjugated verbs, misstated "facts," repeated words and passages, etc. In a word, it's infuriating.Even barring all of these flaws, the book falls short of its goal. It is apparently trying to claim that Nabokov used the story of Sally Horner as inspiration for "Lolita." So what? He acknowledged her in the novel itself. What more proof is necessary? And if he was inspired by her story, what does that mean for his masterpiece? Nothing. It is no less of a literary treasure now that I know there was another young girl who was abducted in the decade before its release. In fact, I'm sure there are myriad girls who have been abused in similar ways throughout history. Not really the bombshell Weinman makes it out to be.I do not recommend this book to Nabokov readers, as they clearly have much higher standards, nor to true-crime readers, as I found it lacking in the "true" category. Regrettably, I paid almost $30 for this book. Please don't make the same mistake I did.(I originally published my review with two stars, calling it "disappointing." Since finishing the book, I had to amend it to one star and "really bad." It just kept getting worse.)

I recommend you begin reading this book early on the weekend, and you will not want to stop reading until you finish this gripping book. There is a lot of depth to this masterwork. The author provides a lot of detail about many characters and is able to weave their stories in a way that you want to enjoy learning about all them and how they all tie together. The fictional book is great, but you can't beat what is real, and this book is superb!

Several years before Nabakov wrote Lolita, a young New Jersey girl named Sally Horner was kidnapped by a pedophile. Though her ordeal ended in 1950 just about the time the writing of Lolita began, Nabakov always maintained that Horner was not his inspiration. The author shows the similarities between the book and the actual case. Well researched intertwined story of a notorious case and the creation of one of the best novels of the 20th century.

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, by Sarah Weinman PDF


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