Sunday, July 30, 2017

Download PDF , by Richard Shenkman

Download PDF , by Richard Shenkman

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, by Richard Shenkman

, by Richard Shenkman

, by Richard Shenkman

Download PDF , by Richard Shenkman

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, by Richard Shenkman

Product details

File Size: 984 KB

Print Length: 226 pages

Publisher: Harper (March 26, 2013)

Publication Date: March 26, 2013

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#819,801 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths of American HistoryRichard ShenkmanJeopardy buff? Any trivia or history aficionado will enjoy this book tremendously and find it a great addition to her/his library. Shenkman touts little known facts on a wide range of topics in the relatively short, but certainly intense history of the "Land of the Free." Most importantly, for a fact-filled myth buster like this one, he carefully cites his sources.Where questions remain about people, places, events and celebrations, Shenkman provides the reader with ample and balanced background information to forge onward with new and unique theories. His perspective is not critical or in your face, and he gives fresh insights on long and widely held incorrect concepts. The entire work is like a written version of Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story.I didn't wholly agree with all the positions set forth in the work, but deeply appreciated Shenkman's efforts to encourage thought and his subtle nudge to delve deeper into the subject matter. As an educator, I loved many of the fascinating tidbits mentioned throughout the book. I draw from the book regularly in my classes in hopes that I will help my students identify with characters or events in our country's illustrious history.

Great humor, and short facts on history

I've said it about his other books, but Shenkman is a bathroom book genius. Quick, funny, interesting tidbits for a quick bathroom break.

This is mostly anecdotes of little known events in our history. It is written with a hint of "tongue in cheek" or maybe soft paparazzi.

Legends, Lies & Cherished Myths of American History serves as a window into the truth about the history of our nation. This book shatters the backbone of the beliefs we, as a nation, were brought up on. It puts to rest the misconceptions and false information we have all thought to be true. This book, by Richard Shenkman, proves to be one of the most informative books in recent history. Shenkman aims to educate and strives to obliterate the legends and lies we have all been brought up on. He introduces his audience to a new world of truth and understanding about what really went into creating this country and who the people who created this country really were. This book opens like any other history book of our time, with the story of Christopher Columbus. However, this story is aiming to disprove all of the seemingly wonderful things this man found and established, starting with the belief that Columbus, in 1492, discovered that the Earth was in fact round. As Shenkman points out, this fact had been well established by the 15th Century; in fact, Shenkman notes, it was Aristotle who discovered the concept centuries earlier. Shenkman, continues on throughout the chapter and book to remind his audience of all of the ideas and concepts we were taught as children and introduces credible information as to why those beliefs simply do not make sense. This book covers information from the discovery of the New World through slavery and freedom as well as common misconceptions about education, holidays, and shrines within the United States. Shenkman touches on myths about sex and family life throughout American history all while maintaining a professional and educational tone. His aim throughout the entire book is to inform the public about the truth of our nation. While reading through the section on holidays it should be noted how Shenkman broke the chapter up into three sections that clearly introduced our common beliefs on how the three most American holidays came about: 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. After a brief introduction and a trip down memory lane, he snapped the reader back to reality with the truth. Shenkman would break down how these treasured holidays came to be so popular and beloved. He informed us how the spirit of Christmas began as a retail ploy to increase sales after the Civi War and how New Englanders once passed a law banning the celebration of such a festive “American” tradition. Shenkman shows a bit of skepticism throughout the entire book. He is often found questioning the findings brought to light throughout history. His entire book is based on the idea that the foundation of America that we have known our entire lives is a lie. He wants us to understand that everything we have been taught has been exaggerated and that everything we further learn about our nation needs to be taken in with a bit of skepticism. He is using this book to educate us not only about our true history but also how to take in new information, without believing everything you are taught. Shenkman wants his readers to fully understand their history. Along with the skepticism that is found after every turn of the page, he also throws in some validity. He proves to the reader that the facts presented are confirmed accounts of what was really happening throughout history. He is introducing the reader to a more critical way of thinking about seemingly simple concepts and ideas. Shenkman is hoping that by laying all of the cards out on the table and knocking them down one by one by using simple, yet rarely used, methods of critical thinking he will gain credibility with the reader and accomplish his ultimate goal of putting to rest the fanatical myths of our mystical history. Overall the layout of this book is very strategic. Shenkman begins with discoveries and inventions that helped to form our society, and ironically enough, are taught completely wrong. He then continues with our Founding Fathers and myths about our Presidents. Shenkman then proceeds to touch on issues concerning families, slavery, and our modern education system, all the while entertaining us and educating us simultaneously. The in-depth coverage and concise layout of the book combine to form a seamless story about a parallel history to our own, one which was never taught to the millions of Americans in our school system, one which the greater public will never know. Overall, I feel that this book does a fantastic job in covering key points that need to be taught. President Lincoln, known for being the first “poor” President, was surprisingly not poor. His father was in the richest 15% of his community and he resided in one of the nicer log cabins for his area. Although independence was declared on July 2nd, it was not announced until July 4th, thus overshadowing the true date of independence. These simple, yet ground-breaking, findings are what altered our views of American history and what guide out way of thinking throughout our daily lives. By critically thinking and going out of his way to investigate simple misconceptions about our history Shenkman is able to educate interested citizens. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning about the history of our nation and understanding where common misconceptions originated. This book has helped to open the door to secrets of American history that would have never been published or acknowledged without some genuine interest in the topic.

If you area trivia or history buff, this book gives good snipets. If you are looking for detailed information, I would recommend other books. Nice easy read!

I own two other books by R. Shenkman, which I liked, so I Iooked for another book of his to read. I hope his info is accurate because its fun to read.

Interesting, actually purchased wrong book but I did enjoy reading.

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